A Perception of Young Adult Fiction

Today was errand day, as is my usual Saturday. But I added an additional stop to my normal Saturday running around; a beauty supply place.

The Downhill Slide

There comes a point in during the creation phase of a book when you hit the downhill slide. The point where you are getting close to your ideal word count goal… when you know where the book is headed and all you have to do is reach the finish line.

NaNoWriMo Eve

Excitement fills the air as a multitude of writing hopefuls get ready for the mad dash of words November brings. For the uninitiated NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and the basic idea is to start writing a novel on November 1st and have completed 50,000 words by the conclusion of November 30th.

Let Freedom Ring

When I was young, I had a notebook for writing music and on the cover was an eagle carrying a branch in it’s claws with a banner beneath it stating Banned in Boston. This sparked my awakening to banning, not only to music, but in all of its forms.

Support Intellectual Freedom – Read a Banned Book

Let’s talk about banned books. The practice of banning or challenging books has been around for a long time. It is appalling to me, with as far as we have stretched the boundaries of knowledge, there are still factions which exist to limit…

Celebrating Teen Lit Day

YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Assocation) which is the fastest growing division of the ALA (American Library Association) decided in 2007 to create a Support Teen Literature Day in conjunction with ALA’s National Library Week, which occurs during the month of April.  This concept has really covered some ground in the past two years, and we are quickly approaching the … Read More

Death of the Book – Not Yet

Being an author, I love books, although it seems somewhat axiomatic to say so. I enjoy holding them in my hands, turning the pages and diving into the world that the writer has created for us. That being said, with the advent of e-book readers the world of books as we know it is changing. There may, one day, be … Read More